
After years of thinking about starting a Blog I have finally done it. Since about 2005 I had thought having a blog would be interesting, no real purpose but interesting. So here it is "Life & All Its Quirks" day to day life is truly interesting and I believe everyone has a story to tell so here is my story.....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sweet November!

Sweet November is here!  The colors around us here in the Shenandoah Valley are falling all around and the air is getting cooler. The only down side would be the days are getting shorter!  However it is still a blessing to experience this time of year here in the Valley every year!   Hopefully in my travels this month I will be able to catch some of the breath taking cold mornings, the warmth of the colors and the views from the Mountains as I travel throughout the valley!  I will share those moments here one frame at a time on this blog!

Get out and enjoy November and Life this month!  It is truly something to be Thankful about!